
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We've seen such cries several times. Many might think the end of the world would be like total destruction and chaos. living beings would end and life will be no longer sustained. A Meteor! a huge earthquake!! even some aliens would abduct human beings and turn them to guinea pigs!!! So many ideas, some are ridiculous, some are theological others are scientific or maybe visions. But in my opinion the world won't end in that fashionable way like dinosaurs or some earthquake will blow the whole earth not even some alien intervention will finish us. We will finish it ourselves!! we're trying to sustain a life here on poor earth, but we're running out of resources, but I'm sure we're not running from ideas. Humans started life and sure we will end it. When earth runs out of humans through war and starvation. When we keep on destroying our atmosphere and in return earth gives us hurricanes and earthquakes, life will be unbearable. When humans become heartless and greedy. When each single life on earth only thinks of his own will being. We became beasts in a more organized world, even beasts have a heart...

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