
Saturday, August 14, 2010

my future I wish

I'm 36 yrs old, I'm your future as you would like to have. I'm a successful e-marketing sole propeteir, I even worked in the stoke exchange ( I have my license as a broker, but I just broke for fun) I love music, so I'm doing some underground projects with some local bands, I play the trumpet. Don't know how long it took me to learn it, but I feel like I've been playing it for ages. I play it with lots of talented underground bands, just for the sake of it. LOVE, I had several short relationships, I tried to maintain it as long as possible, but due to my nature of resisting change I failed to keep most of them. I tried to compromise, yet my stubborn nature and my phlegmatic nature is to strong. I like reading, esp during my travels. I already been to most of the world. I manage to maintain my business through internet and phones, so I have the time for that. I learn everything everyday.. my laziness doesn't prevent me from finishing my tasks, I know what to do, and I do it well. My parents are disappointed from me cuz of my vivid life, but they are proud and show off to people on how I can make money efficiently. I'm lucky with everything, except with love. I content with my life. I like to keep it simple as much as possible although I afford most luxurious goodies. I'm close to God, he's still my friend, and I talk to him from time to time. By the time you're reading this you would know that I'm the future of that person I'm writing about.. I'm the dream I want, even if the picture is not so perfect, I still hope for life to be that way, even if I could give up love for a successful career in 10 yrs time...

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